Monday, October 26, 2009

So I knew my salt addiction would catch up with me eventually

Yes yes I openly admit I have a salt addiction, I salt everything, legit everything, a fellow salt addict friend of mine who's name I won't name for the sake of anonymity even clued me into salting bread at a restaurant after you butter must try so good....I draw the line at salting potato chips...but that's because I usually pick the salt and vinegar or salt and pepper variety, I get crazy stares when people in my cafeteria at work notice me grabbing 4 salt packets for one salad, I try to do it sneakily, but knew I had a problem when I started throwing extra un-used napkins on top of my garbage can to hide the number of salt packets I used at lunch, it was getting bad....but who would have known that I would draw the line and say that's it I must face and conquer my addiction tonight! Well it all started when I brought the salt shaker downstairs with dinner probably so I could re-salt my bowl of couscous halfway through (you have no idea how hard it is to salt the entire thing, damn near impossible); coming back upstairs post gossip girl I tried to grab everything I had brought down with me which included a laptop a plate a bowl and the salt shaker and various other things, as my mother would put it a lazy mans load sure to go badly. Well, how right she was.....standing in my bedroom, attempting to put down my laptop I felt something slip and then heard a sickening shatter, salt shaker + tile floor equals HUGE mess, took at least 30 mins to clean up and if you know me I'm super p-noid about stepping on glass ever since my incident with a 3 inch shard of glass from a broken champagne that's it.....I am giving salt the brush least for a few weeks, maybs I'll feel better, maybe this was fate's way of saving me from a life of high blood pressure later on, who knows, but I will learn to live a life without salt, oh this is going to be hard....wish me luck

Love Her

Friday, October 23, 2009

GaGampirate...Pretty Fucking Bavarious

Snarf snarf snarf just a preview kids just a preview....don't get too excited....I know you are chickens eating KFC....oh don't worry I'm just doing viral marketing for Purdue

Above the Knuckle Rings

So my dear friend Chrissy informed me that while in LF today she overheard some woman yammering on about digit rings, ugly name if you ask me, but my dear friends, who might I ask, who has been rocking above the knuckle rings for a least the past 3 months telling everyone she was making it a trend if it killed her, yeah that's right, this girl. I will provide photographic evidence soon I'm sure it exists somewhere in facebook land, this trend concept didn't always go over so well, i.e. last week when I announced the trend I intended to start Samanda Mintz likened it to camel toe, well, anyway, I am vindicated, above the knuckle is the way ahead, you heard it here first as in like three months ago, well not really here, but if you're a close friend I've been running my mouth about this for a while, and now I will shut up, trend created, VICTORY!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sooo soon

So I am slacking on le blogging, too much going on in real life, anywayzzzz, so I can't wait for Halloween it is my favorite holiday EVER, Christmas is great and all for the presents but since my birthday is only 3 days before (yes mark your calendars it's this Wednesday Oct 28th, can't say you haven't been warned, I want at least 37 off key happy birthday song voicemails, at least)  I get presents anyway, unlike Christmas when everyone gets presents Halloween is all mine, unless you're Maria Linz or Julia Roberts, who happen to share my illustrious birthday, obviously only hot bitches can share my birthday....anyway story dragged yeah personal Christmas, I love it.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

This is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy!

Am I the only one that hates the new T Mobile commercial, it makes me so sad, since I used to have a huge crush on Ty Webb, I was born to lick your face, well Ty at least who lives permanently in 1980, oh wait, can I live permanently in 1980 I'm ok with being Lacey Underall....forever...well 1980 Lacey Underall with some slightly cooler clothes.

Picture Source: Them Thangs

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Le Weekend

I'm sorry for all the poor me I want clothes I can't afford posts, but how perfect would this be for a weekend afternoon; I am not bold enough to attempt the cropped tiered topshop top, but paired with a sweet alexander wang tee even I would take it on. And that necklace, oh I've been sweating that thing for weeks, le sigh squared.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Want...need...cannot afford...le sigh

Did we really???

Oh yes we did, no I didn't exactly channel Sloan Peterson for the 80s party, but when I found this leopard print jump suit in my aunt's closet which hadn't seen the light of day since 1984, I knew it had to be mine, and of course it needed a new shot at partying in 2009, wahooo....though it did take a little convincing to get me out of the house in it (I make very bold fashion choices in my bedroom), my roommates convinced me that it was no crazier than most of the other stuff I wear out, and I had to admit they were right, well mr. leopard jumpsuit (yes he's a mr.) had a great night, I have never gotten so many compliments on an outfit, I think paired with some 2009 updates (i.e. hair and make up that 1983 is calling to ask for back)...this outfit could totally make regular appearances....true life I still have Katie's crimper on my bedroom floor

Saturday, October 3, 2009


We got invited to an 80s party, I'm not going the usual spandex and neon route, Sloane Peterson has always been my 80s hero....I would kill for that jacket