Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Au Fond Du Lac

So my roommate Blair went home to New Orleans (or more specifically Lafayette, LA) which apparently is smack in the middle of Cajun country (which as New Yorker is news to me), and did your typical thanksgiving things that involved general family fun and skeet shooting (her sister did so while modeling her college graduation gown, and photographing the event for potential graduation announcements, very multi-tasking girl if you ask me, the skeet shooting pictures likely won’t make the cut but I really think they should hehe). Anyway,while there, Blair was able to pick up a CD for her cousins Chris and Michael's band, Feufollet, they are awesome, and I legit listened to this song below on repeat for the entire night, check em out.

Au Fond du Lac by Feufollet

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Monday, November 29, 2010

Feeling Flabulous

So Thanksgiving was great, I was a little disappointed to find out that my family had decided to go to an Italian restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner, but I got over it, and just decided to enjoy myself (though I did refuse to eat the turkey they were serving, my Chicken Marsala was in fact delicious) and it was nice just to be surrounded by my family. And it was fun to have my mom around in the city the day before to hang out and relax at my apartment, and watch Tootsie (a movie that I had always heard about but never actually seen, so adorable) , and honor my mother’s request to “See that Trader Vic’s store you always talk about”, translation Trader Joe’s. Also it was especially fun when she told me that my outfit on Thanksgiving (which included a dress, these shoes, and a faux fur jacket) made me look like a tall hooker, something about not being able to see my dress at all so it inherently looked like I was wearing a fur jacket, tights and 5 inch wedges, oh well, my mother loves me anyway and followed it up by telling me that she never dressed like everyone else either, and loved that I had my own sense of style. I also got to spend this past weekend out at my Dad’s house, and saw my sister who was home from college and watched football with the most hardcore Giants fans I know (my brother, stepmom and Grandma, who honestly screamed the loudest when the G-Men finally eeked out a win), all in all a great weekend. Plan for the week is relaxing, getting back to my normal healthy eating, and going to the gym A LOT since I seriously feel like a bowling ball with legs after this weekend, not cute.

P.S. Big thank you to Erinn G for coming through in the clutch with the title of this post

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Me think it time to branch out beyond me cookie eating career....

Ok this genuinely makes me LOL, and as a note I pronounce LOL as in rhymes with doll or something like that when I say it in my head, eff your El-Oh-El stuff, lolz is the real deal, don't know why I felt the need to share that but there you go.

Happy Turkey Day!

So I’m taking a year off from Thanksgiving, well not actually off, I will fully be chowing down on all of the Turkey Day goodness that will be cooked by someone else, wahoo, yes that’s right kids the Breens are doing something completely unheard of for us and actually going out for dinner on Thanksgiving. My family is coming in for the parade and then out for dinner in the West Village, and I am seriously looking forward to it. But after 2 years of cooking in my apartment for 17 and 15 respectively (see my post from last year for proof), I will definitely miss the chaos, and the leftovers; and in the two years I definitely did learn a lot:

a) My oven is not full size it’s 24 inches and thus a full size rigid metal roasting pan with a 27 lb turkey will not actually fit into said oven, which was discovered around 7 AM on Thanksgiving morning 2008 (my rookie year) even though my mother told me about 7 bajillion times before the day that I should measure my oven and make sure, so there I was with mom trying to shut the oven door and no dice, which unleashed a string of obscenities from both of us and required a last minute trip to the bodega across the street praying that they had roasting pans (they do, and armed with this knowledge I went back and bought two more this past weekend to make sweet potatoes for Chrissy’s Family Thanksgiving this past Sunday with roughly 35 of our nearest and dearest friends eeps)

b) With a little squishing and some extra tables and chairs brought by family members and friends you can actually have a sit down dinner with 17 people in my apartment, though every other “dinner party” I have attempted to host at 1G has devolved into something that usually includes 23 bottles of wine for 17 people and a drunken dance party in the living room, ending in a girl pile on the couch (see above), oops, just keepin it classy you know how we do

c)My family and friends love me so even if they’re squished at a table or squished in a girl pile on the couch it doesn’t matter everyone always has a good time, so if and when I do own a house, it must be big enough to accommodate the 17 family members, all of my friends, 23 plus bottles of wine and all their associated children, pets (yes I mean Peanut) and whoever else, because there is nothing I love more than being surrounded by all the people I love

God this is a post is like 17 times worse than the cheesiest Hallmark card I have ever read and Alli if you’re reading this I hope you have tissues, but seriously I am so lucky to have all my friends and family, and super thankful for them, after all I need someone to help me drink those 23 bottles of wine.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Ok the video is a little low budget but for some reason I could only find the official video at a really low volume. I am sort of obsessed with her, and I could just listen to this song pretty much on repeat. Also that ring bracelet combo deal she has on in the first picture that comes up, want now. Happy weekend kids!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

But we still won the fight....

Ok I’m sorry for two posts in one day but this seriously caught my eye on Refinery, they did a whole piece on heeled combat boots, which I might add, I have been wearing since last fall, I own the exact pair they featured on the right above. And as much as I’m like uhhh wtf Refinery, you been jeepin’ my steez (stealing my style in layman’s terms) I have to agree they are awesome.I bought mine at Shoegasm, they come in like three colors, and unfortch like 2 weeks after I bought mine they came out with a fur lined version, and I couldn’t actually justify purchasing a second pair just for the fur, but I can’t imagine how warm they must be, seriously considering buying them in brown for this upcoming winter. I wear them to and from work everyday because they are incredibly comfortable and just make me feel a little more at home in my corporate clothes, which as far as I’m concerned may as well be a costume, i-banking culture does not really jive with my personal style, but for 10 mins each morning and evening on my walk back and forth I feel a little more like me.

Love Spell

ZOMFG I had to share this picture, James-Wilkie (son of SJP and Matthew Broderick as if you aren’t on a first name basis…puh-shaa) apparently might have a teensy crush on Harry Potter star Emma Watson and had written a note to give her at the premier of the newest Harry Potter movie. She kindly bent down to accept the note, and the smile on JW’s face is priceless, good lord if this isn’t the cutest thing it’s like as cute as if a kitten and puppy had a lovechild and it stayed eternally kitten/puppyish, wait no that’s sort of weird, just as cute as eternal puppies, and kittens, and baby bunnies, awwww.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Jump Jump

Let's just say it was pointed out to me that Kriss Kross may be my inspiration for this evening's outfit (thanks Panda) , details to be shared on Monday, or more likely because I'm lazy and the only people who actually read my blog are my friends, you will see what I mean tonight...keep in mind the term Nagidrac

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Zetus Lupetus!

The problem with Jeffrey Campbell (aka JC because only this man who could share initials with the original JC though I’m pretty sure Jeffrey Campbell is not actually a man but a design collective); anyway, the problem is I never know I even need a new pair of shoes until I see his, and without a doubt no matter how outlandish or high I always decide I need them immediately on my person and envision 6 outfits that could be entirely built around said shoes. I felt the same way about his new cult design coveted by all the Lita, I wanted them SOOOO badly until I randomly walking into LF one day and actually saw them in my shoe size (which is jumbo jet size for those who don’t know, no numbers being discussed here but let’s just say it’s north of size 8 ½ ), eeeeep they looked like actual clown shoes or Frankenstein shoes or what a clown Frankenstein would wear if he needed orthopedic shoes, with 6 inch heels, anyway, hopes dashed to the ground, and only my bank account happy I decided not to even try them on. And decided well I don’t really need new shoes anyway, until I happened to be perusing SoleStruck (I know why do I do this to myself) and found these beauties, I feel like I should be like trotting around on some ultra cool space station like Zenon Girl of the 21st Century, which got me to thinking what is Zenon Kar up to these days, turns out like every other starlet (if Kirsten Storms even qualifies as such) in Hollywood, she got herself a DUI and parole officer, figures.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Stop sippin' that Haterade

So everyone has been hating on Blake Lively saying that despite her protestations to the contrary she does in fact need a stylist. I wholeheartedly disagree, while I don’t agree with everything she chooses to wear, and couldn’t wear most of it because, frankly, saying I have a completely different body type would be the understatement of the year, I have to say I appreciate a lot of her choices. Sure sometimes she exposes a little too much skin (I mean really I shouldn’t even comment I shunned pants for over a year and only recently reintroduced them into my wardrobe); and sometimes she wears things that don’t quite match in the traditional sense, but honestly there’s a difference between matching a creating a look, and let’s be serious I basically hate matching. What people also neglect is that she makes her home here in NY, where you could honestly go out dressed in just about anything and not get a second glance, and in many cases get complimented on your style. Here are two examples where I think she has hit her mark exactly, the first is a phenomenal combination of gold and beautiful royal blue, which is really spot on, I love those structural shoulders. And seriously look at the smile on Karl’s face in that second photo, anyone who can coax a smile like that out of that man can wear whatever she wants, however she wants to wear it.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Dara Puspita

So I was in Florida last week and happily stumbled upon a great book/music store in Seaside. One of the young men working there took notice of me immediately asked me where I was from (I guess it was that apparent that I wasn’t a local, hmm) We started discussing bands I liked and I got a feeling he was surprised by the number of different bands I had the opportunity to see this year. I forget sometimes how much I take for granted when it comes to the opportunity to see a tremendous amount of incredible music in this city, and I don’t see nearly enough. He did suggest two CDs (I know I seriously hadn’t bought a physical CD in like 3 years) one of a local artist (which I have to admit I have not taken the time to listen to yet) and one of the 1960s Indonesian girl group Dara Puspita. I started listening last week and I am sort of hooked, this is the only track in english on the whole compilation and the only one of decent quality that I was able to find on youtube, but they are pretty adorable. The influences of their favorite western bands from that time is readily apparent on a lot of their tracks, but they are definitely worth checking out.