So Thanksgiving was great, I was a little disappointed to find out that my family had decided to go to an Italian restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner, but I got over it, and just decided to enjoy myself (though I did refuse to eat the turkey they were serving, my Chicken Marsala was in fact delicious) and it was nice just to be surrounded by my family. And it was fun to have my mom around in the city the day before to hang out and relax at my apartment, and watch Tootsie (a movie that I had always heard about but never actually seen, so adorable) , and honor my mother’s request to “See that Trader Vic’s store you always talk about”, translation Trader Joe’s. Also it was especially fun when she told me that my outfit on Thanksgiving (which included a dress, these shoes, and a faux fur jacket) made me look like a tall hooker, something about not being able to see my dress at all so it inherently looked like I was wearing a fur jacket, tights and 5 inch wedges, oh well, my mother loves me anyway and followed it up by telling me that she never dressed like everyone else either, and loved that I had my own sense of style. I also got to spend this past weekend out at my Dad’s house, and saw my sister who was home from college and watched football with the most hardcore Giants fans I know (my brother, stepmom and Grandma, who honestly screamed the loudest when the G-Men finally eeked out a win), all in all a great weekend. Plan for the week is relaxing, getting back to my normal healthy eating, and going to the gym A LOT since I seriously feel like a bowling ball with legs after this weekend, not cute.
P.S. Big thank you to Erinn G for coming through in the clutch with the title of this post
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